Wednesday 22 May 2013

Advantages and disadvantages of augmented reality

Augmented reality is very good for playing games and accessing extra information on local areas. It's a new and advanced way of looking at life and reality. With over 1 billion of the worlds population owning a smartphone augmented reality is soon to expand. New products such as google glasses are a prime example of this.
They are a brand new technology created by google to view the world through augmented reality. But in my opinion they are hazard! While wearing them people are consentrating on the screen so are not looking where they're going. This will cause more irritation on the pavements. People will end up walking into others and oblects. This could potentially cause injuries which we could avoid. Another factor which I think is bad is the style. In my opinion they would look stupid and too strange. Also they cost a huge $1,500;more expensive than an iPhone.